Fiona T.
2019 ‘Hilbertian structuralism & the Frege-Hilbert controversy’,
Philosophia Mathematica 27(3): 335-261.
2017 ‘Hilbert on consistency as a guide to mathematical reality’,
Logique et Analyse 60: 107-128.
I no longer agree with the views in this paper in its published form, the most recent version can be viewed here.
‘The ontology of neo-Fregean logicism’ F. Boccuni, A. Sereni (eds.), Origins and Varieties of Logicism. A Foundational Journey in the Philosophy of Mathematics. Routledge: Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics and Physics series (forthcoming).
Critical study for Journal of the History of Analytic Philosophy of Scott Soames’s The Analytic Tradition in Philosophy, vol 1. Invited by Sanford Shieh.
Paper for special issue of Journal of Applied Logic & College Publications on ‘The Emergence of Structuralism and Formalism’. Invited by David Svoboda & Michael Gabbay.
Upcoming Invited Talks
Sept 2020 `Frege & Hilbert: Two Conceptions of Geometry’,
Modern Geometry and its Foundations Conference, University of Vienna
May 2020 `Logicism by Another Name’ Neo-Fregean Anniversary Conference, University of Connecticut, USA.
April 2020 `Computational Structuralism & Mathematical Structuralism’,
Alternative Approaches to Scientific Realism Conference, Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, Germany.
April 2020 `Logical Syntax and Metamathematics', Syntax after Frege Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK.