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​​I'm the Director and Senior Research Fellow at the Bios Centre think tank and & a lecturer at the University of Notre Dame based in London at their Global Gateway program. My current research is mainly in bioethics, AI & philosophy of mind/computation. My PhD is in the history of analytic philosophy, in particular the philosophy of mathematics of David Hilbert and neo-Fregean Logicism. Most recently I've been working on whether AI can help to ethically implement nudge theory and avoid implicit bias and arguments against pure computational structuralism. I received my PhD in philosophy from the University of Cambridge, my MPhil in philosophy from the University St Andrews & the University of Stirling and my BSc in mathematics & philosophy from the University of Glasgow. Often mistaken for John Milton.

Abstraction’s might a boon is found,
While man does keep it tamed and bound;
Awful its heav’nly powers become,
When that its stops and stays are gone.

         - Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege

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